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The Purple Back Cushion Gives Me the Support I Need While I Work

No more slouching and bad posture.

purple lumbar pillow on blue velvet desk chair
There are a lot of cool things out there that make us wonder — do they really work? In our I Tried It series, we set out to use them in the real world and have determined that, in fact, they really do.

The Product on Trial

The Purple Back Cushion

The Tester

Erica Murphy, who’s been dealing with poor posture and lower back pain since she began working from home 2 years ago.

The Brief

When I put together my “home office” at the start of the pandemic (aka a desk-and-chair setup in my living room), I made the wrong decision of choosing style over function. My desk was fine, but the chair I chose was not doing my back any favors — its circular shape made me feel constantly hunched over. It wasn’t long before I was in major need of some lower back support.

After doing some initial research, I came across the Purple Back Cushion. We'd previously reviewed Purple's Royal Cushion and the Harmony Pillow pretty favorably in terms of the support they provide — so I decided to test out how well their Back Cushion would work for me.

The Purple Back Cushion
Purple purple.com

What sets Purple apart from other brands is the unique grid technology in nearly all of their products. It’s a really malleable material, so it conforms to your body perfectly, and it’s durable, meaning you can throw it around, drop it, roll your chair over it, and it still springs back into shape. The Grid is also designed for maximum airflow, so your back never gets sweaty from leaning against it all day.

In terms of dimensions, the Purple Back Cushion is about 16 inches long, 9 inches tall, and 2 inches thick. I'm about 5-foot-5, and it feels like the perfect size for my torso. It also weighs 2.5 pounds, making it a good portable option for taking on road trips, a workcation, or even on a plane.

purple lumbar cushion strapped to white chair

Once you get the cushion into place, leaning against it is really comfortable. The Grid provides enough support so you don't feel like you're sinking in, but it doesn't feel like you're leaning against a wall either. It simply props me up and gives my back better alignment throughout the day. I do have to adjust every now and then, but one of the cushion's best features is that it has a strap that secures it to your chair. Simply unclip the strap and clip it behind the back of your chair to keep the cushion in place. It also comes with a washable cover to keep it fresh and clean.

Closing Argument

I've been using Purple's Back Cushion every workday for about 6 months, and it's definitely improved my work-from-home experience. I don't get the lower-back ache that I did pre-cushion, and I like the combination of softness and support that the Grid provides.

This back cushion is $60, which isn’t exactly the most affordable option. However, its sturdy construction and durability make me feel like it’s a product I’ll have forever, and I’d recommend it to friends and family looking for a high-quality back cushion, too.

Shop Purple's Back Cushion

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