Working From Home? This Cold-Brew Coffee Recipe Will Save You Cash

We bet you didn't know that you're already an excellent barista.

pouring milk creamer into glass of homemade cold brew coffee in kitchen

Cold-brew coffee is hot right now, in case you hadn't heard! From cold-brew coffee-flavored liqueurs to buzzy alcohol-infused riffs, this bolder and less acidic style of chilled coffee delivers on both caffeine and flavor.

If you're sick of the never-ending Starbucks lines, or you're just trying to sharpen your barista skills at home, making cold-brew coffee is one of the easiest processes to master. By making your own cold brew, you'll be able to create a custom coffee batch brewed to the unique strength, flavor, and quantity you desire, and then you can store the leftovers in the fridge to have on hand for the next time the caffeine bug bites.

Oh, and also, you'll save quite a bit of cash along the way.

In a nutshell, all you'll need to do is coarsely grind your favorite coffee beans, combine the grounds with water, and let the mixture steep overnight. If you're already making coffee at home, you won't even need any fancy-schmancy equipment beyond a basic strainer and a big storage container to store your bangin' brew.

Follow these easy steps below, and you'll be on your way to homespun, caffeinated bliss.


  • 1 cup whole coffee beans
  • 4 cups cold filtered water


    • Coffee grinder (these are a few of our favorite picks)
    • Large glass or plastic container (an oversized Mason jar works really well)
    • Basic mesh strainer
    • Cheesecloth
    • Bottle or jar for storage

      Yield: 3 cups of cold brew


      1. Grind. Grind the coffee beans on the coarsest setting on your grinder.* If you don't have a coffee grinder, you can use a spice grinder in quick pulses. Experts recommend grinding the coffee to a coarse texture, similar to breadcrumbs.

      * This is the most crucial step to flavorful cold brew, so don't mess this one up!

      2. Combine. Transfer your breadcrumb-sized coarse coffee grounds to the jar or jug you're using to brew. Pour the water over the top of the coffee grounds, and then stir gently with a long-handled spoon to thoroughly soak the grounds.

      3. Steep. Cover the container with a lid or seal and let the coffee steep overnight, or for about 12 hours.* You can steep your cold brew on the countertop at room temperature or in the fridge — the steeping time is the same regardless of temperature.

      * Most experts recommend steeping between 12-24 hours, with an optimum steep time of 18 hours for flavorful cold brew.

      4. Strain. Line a small strainer with cheesecloth and place over a large measuring cup or jug. Slowly pour the coffee mixture through the strainer to separate excess coffee grounds from the liquid.

      5. Serve. Cold brew is naturally more concentrated and bolder in flavor than the iced coffee you're used to sipping, so you may want to add some water or milk for dilution. We love serving cold brew over ice with a splash of oat milk in a Mason jar here at the office.

      6. Store. Transfer the leftover cold brew to a small covered bottle or jar and store in the fridge for up to a week. That's all, folks! See? We told you it was easy!

      Read More:

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