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10 Best Double Strollers That Make Life Much Easier for Growing Families

Two times the fun!

twins in double stroller

Whether you're pregnant with twins or adding a second child to your growing family, it's likely that a double stroller is on the top of your mind. These incredibly convenient strollers hold (yup, you guessed it) two children at once — making toting around with two infants or an infant and a toddler as easy as possible. But like so many other baby products on the market, there are a ton of double strollers to choose from — so how do you even begin to decide which one would be best for you? Luckily, we're here to help.

What to Consider

The three biggest factors you want to consider when buying a double stroller are type, features, and cost. Because these strollers vary so widely, knowing what your priorities are is crucial. For instance, do you need something that will hold a car seat? Do you want a stroller that will last through multiple children? How about maneuverability and what it's like to collapse and store? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself before you make the investment.


The main types of double strollers are single-to-double, side-by-side, joggers, and stroller wagons. They all have their unique benefits, and I can assure you that one of the four will be the right fit for your needs. We’ve broken down each type below, and highlighted things like weight, whether or not they can fold up, and durability and stability.


Thinking ahead is key when thinking about what features you want. Look for an option with an attached kickboard or the ability to attach a car seat if you anticipate your family growing beyond two kids. Storage capacity is important, too - as most of us know by now, parents haul a lot of crap. Features like these can be found in multiple types of strollers, and they can help narrow down your choices.


It's the elephant in the room, right? These big strollers can mean big bucks, and some can cost well over $1,000. With pricier styles, you'll find features like leather-wrapped handles and all-wheel suspension. These additions can make pushing the strollers easier and more comfortable. However, more affordable strollers are getting better and better every year, especially the direct-to-consumer brands. For that reason, I've added strollers to this list that are truly wonderful and do not equate to a house payment in price.

How We Chose

Each choice on this list has been personally tested by myself or someone I trust. I spent time pushing and pulling them, getting a feel for how they work, how they handle, and how they move. I've spoken to many of the manufacturers to determine their building practices, how they've responded to recalls, and how they're innovating in the market.

Cost, cleanability, ease of use, durability, and accessibility — like does it take both hands and a foot to collapse — are all factors I kept in mind when evaluating double strollers. I've put them in trunks, cleaned the gunk off the seats, carted my nephews around science museums, and pushed these strollers over the creaky boards of the Coney Island boardwalk and beaches. These strollers are battle-tested, and we stand by every one of them.

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Single-to-Double Strollers
parents pushing uppababy single to double stroller

Single-to-double strollers make up the biggest portion of strollers on the market right now by a mile. Companies like UPPAbaby, Evenflo, Cybex, Mockingbird, and more are constantly updating and improving on this style.

Single-to-double strollers are designed to work from birth through two kids or to start off right away with twins. It's a stroller that can be used with one seat or two in a ton of different configurations. They are a tandem-style stroller without having the bulk of a traditional tandem because of the way the seats are arranged. Think of them more like stadium seating and less like church pews.

These can be some of the hardest to collapse, but what they lack in compact ease, they more than make up for with their sheer variety of options.

Best Overall
UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Double Stroller Bundle

  • Great bassinet, super cozy
  • Can be steered with one hand
  • Easy to clean
  • Luxe

  • Hard to fold, no real place to grab when folded
  • Second seat feels less luxe than original seat

The UPPAbaby Vista V2 is the single-to-double stroller that dreams were made of. The bundle can be configured in myriad ways, including two seats, a bassinet and a seat, a seat and a car seat, or two car seats for twins that fully recline. It has a no-rethread harness, making adjusting the seat belts quick and an easy, all-wheel suspension that can be steered single-handedly.

The improved sun shade on this model pulls down even farther, providing additional UPF 50+ protection for sensitive baby skin. The seats can be out or facing the rear, and the oversized cargo net beneath the stroller holds a ton of stuff. 

The bassinet features a zip-out, water-repellent inner liner, and boot cover, which are easy to remove and a cinch to clean. And because it's fully mobile and easy to remove from the stroller, it provides your infant with a place to chill out when you're out and about, even if the stroller is folded and put away. 

It has a ton of tiny details that really make it shine: the leather-wrapped handle, the solid frame that still looks sleek and elegant, easy clip inserts, and fabrics that look and feel expensive but are utterly simple to clean in the washing machine. For cost and content, this is our favorite. 

Best Direct-to-Consumer
Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller

  • Affordable
  • Tons of options
  • Innovative design
  • Easy to fold

  • Tricky Steering
  • Problematic inserts

The Mockingbird single-to-double stroller is different from any other on this list for one main reason. It's a direct-to-consumer brand, which means that they can keep prices much lower than other brands while still maintaining quality. 

This stroller took off like an arrow when it first arrived on the scene, and it's been really popular ever since. It's very similar to the Vista V2 for a much lower cost. Plus, it has a great suspension, oversized UPF-rated shades, and a ton of versatility as far as seating arrangement is concerned. The seats recline almost fully, allowing for little babies to be comfortable or bigger babies to take a nap. (Please, nap.) 

Like the Vista, it has a leather-wrapped handle and sturdy frame with chic lines. Because it's from a company that doesn't manufacture its own car seat, they have multiple options available for car seat adaptor kits, making this seat even more versatile. 

One standout is the magnet-attached sun shade that's a huge hit with parents who use the stroller. It also folds far easier than the Vista, and because of a steel reinforcement bar, it's like there's a built-in handle for lugging it into your trunk.

Having said that, it isn't as smooth of a ride as the Vista, it can't be maneuvered with a single hand, and our tester found that it was very tricky to get over bumps in the road when two children are in the stroller. (Having tried it myself, I have to agree.) The infant insert for the rumble seat needs a redesign, and it's not as easy to clean. 

Overall, it's a fantastic stroller but could benefit from a few tweaks. And for the incredible value, this might be your pick. One of our testers actually tested both this stroller and the Vista, and prefers the Mockingbird. They're truly that comparable.

Best Budget Bundle
Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System

  • Car seat included
  • Machine-washable
  • Affordable

  • Clunky steering
  • Uneven suspension
  • Recline function not intuitive

Evenflo has been making affordable, high-quality baby gear for over 100 years. They know that parents are coming to them for durable products that are utterly useful, and they deliver.

The Pivot Xpand modular system allows for an impressive total of 22 seat configurations. It includes the stroller and the car seat, so you're getting two-for-one on pricing. Plus, the covers are machine washable, the wheels feature front pivot and rear suspension, steel-frame construction, peekaboo canopy, extending handlebar, extra-large storage basket, and cup holder. 

I had no issues pushing this one in double mode, but like the Mockingbird, it trips up on bumps and bulges in the road. But, jeez, machine-washable fabrics? That's almost worth the price of admission right there. Babies are messy, and a car seat and stroller that can be taken apart and washed? Worth it. 

Easiest to Fold Single-to-Double
Cybex Gazelle S Stroller

  • Super simple to fold
  • Cleanable as heck
  • Tons of configurations

  • A rough ride on tough ground
  • Everything costs extra

This is the easiest to collapse single-to-double stroller on the market. It's pretty intuitive and can be done with one hand while you're holding your child, their car seat, or your morning coffee. It has near-flat recline seats, all-wheel suspension, adjustable calf support, an adjustable handlebar, bassinet mode, and an expandable UPF canopy that's just gigantic. 

It fits the Maxi Cosi, Nuna Pipa, or Cybex car seats, making it a versatile option. And that taupe-colored aluminum frame? It's painfully stylish and almost looks gold in the right lighting. The fabrics are also machine washable, and the velcro that attaches the fabric to the stroller is super strong, but not so much that it's a pain to remove.

It can be steered with one hand, and bumps are no problem, but it can get a bit bouncy on rough terrain. I am not certain if it's the tires or the suspension, but it feels somehow top-heavy when you're going over rough land. 

Side-By-Side Strollers
kids in side by side double stroller
Baby Jogger

Side-by-side strollers are far easier to collapse than their single-to-double counterparts and have many of the same bells and whistles. They have the feel of an umbrella stroller but the cargo capacity of a traditional double. These are easy to maneuver and turn and generally take bumps and ruts like a champ.

This style of stroller is appealing to parents who want their children to be able to interact with each other a bit; maybe share a bag of crackers or generally just converse. Because they're right beside one another, there's a level of intimacy not afforded with other styles.

They can be quite a pain to get through small areas, though, thanks to their extra-wide footprint.

Best Side-by-Side
Baby Jogger City Mini 2 Double Stroller
Baby Jogger

  • Easy to collapse
  • Easy to store
  • Easy to steer

  • Hard to clean
  • Wide as heck

When I was having my second child, this was the stroller everyone in New York City told me to purchase. It's easy to use, it fits a car seat, it's lightweight, and it folds better than anything else on the market. 

And I can assure you that all of that is true. This stroller is designed for the win from the jump. The seats independently recline to a near-flat position, and the one-click close and brake are so freaking easy to operate I could write sonnets about that. In fact, remembering a sonnet form is far harder than collapsing this stroller. Shall I compare thee stroller to a summer's day? Yeah, that's all I remember.

The steering is easy, but doors are a problem if they are any narrower than a standard doorway. I'm also not a fan of pushing this one through the airport because it does not fit on many people movers. 

The fabric cover is machine washable, but getting it undone is a bit of a pain. It took me some serious time to figure it out. The canopy is easy to detach, though, so it's not a big deal if it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Best Travel Stroller
Joovy KooperX2 Double Stroller

  • Easy to fold
  • Big canopies
  • Big cargo containers

  • Pricey
  • Harder to clean

Need a runaround travel stroller on top of your everyday stroller? Then this is the stroller for you. It's lightweight, compact, easy to steer, and it's just perfect for a couple of toddlers who need just a little bit of containment. It has extra-large canopies, storage bags, and thanks to some crafty designers, the cup holder for the parent is included. Goodness knows that new parents need their coffee, and they need it now. 

This model boasts a one-handed fold, a lightweight frame, and five-point harnesses in each seat. It's a great travel stroller. It's harder to clean than most, but I found that if you spray it with a hose and tilt it backward, it's not that huge of a deal.

At nearly $350, it's a pricey travel stroller, but parents looking for comfort and convenience will absolutely love this stroller.

Jogging Double Strollers
jogging double strollers

If you're a runner, or even if you just like to walk quickly over uneven pavement, you need a jogging stroller. The front-wheel makes uneven terrain no problem. They're the biggest strollers on this list, but the size gives it weight and stability, even with only a single front tire.

For a great jogging stroller, you want to look for air-filled tires, a run strap on the handle, a telescoping handlebar, and five-point harnesses for your babies' safety.

Best Double Jogger
Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller

  • Great ride
  • Adaptable
  • Comfortable for kids

  • Expensive
  • Hard to clean

Sure, I'm a very slow runner with a wobbly gait who's prone to pause to check text messages, but the gliding feel of this stroller makes me feel much more accomplished than I really am. Running behind the Thule Glide 2 makes even the least athletic of parents feel like a track star, and we love it for that.

It can be used from birth with either the optional bassinet seat or car seat adaptor and a great size cargo net for a jogging stroller. The running strap is comfortable and easy to use, and that glide? That's due to the large, all-terrain, air-filled 12-inch swivel front wheel that can be locked into place for jogging and its air-filled 16-inch rear wheels. 

The one drawback to this double stroller is cleaning. It’s handwash-only, and because it’s so heavy, spraying it out and turning it upside-down isn’t really feasible.

Best Cargo Capacity
BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Jogging Stroller
BOB Gear

  • Easy to push
  • Great reflective fabric
  • Tons of storage

  • Hard to clean
  • Pain to assemble

This stroller has a true cult following. It is constantly selling out, and those who love it, love it. 

It boasts individually-reclining seats with five-point harnesses, UPF 50+-rated canopies, and the option to click in a car seat with the optional attachment. The ride is smooth and even thanks to a graceful suspension and air-filled tires, but not quite as impressive as the Thule in regards to handling. However, it beats the Thule in terms of cargo capacity thanks to under-stroller storage and nine additional pockets, run strap, and customer support. 

It has a no-rethread harness for easy transitions, a nine-position handlebar, a foot-pedal parking brake, and water-resistant reflective fabrics. 

Cleaning this one is also a bear, but darn if it's not a joy to push. 

Stroller Wagons
kids in evenflo pivot stroller wagon

Part wagon, part stroller, these innovative hybrids are becoming more and more popular thanks to their versatility and function. They can carry kids, cargo, and even babies in car seats. They're designed to hit rough terrain without a problem while still keeping your kids safe and comfortable.

Best Budget Stroller Wagon
Evenflo Pivot Xplore All-Terrain Stroller Wagon

  • So many options
  • Great canopies
  • Comfortable seating

  • Can get heavy
  • Not intuitive folding

This stroller is an exquisite piece of craftsmanship. It takes the idea of a wagon and really elevates it with two seats that are not only functional but they're also comfortable, thanks to the footwell that descends from the bottom of the wagon. 

The Xplore has two seats, each with a five-point harness and independent UPF rated canopies. It has plenty of cargo capacity, including a bag that zips onto the edge of the wagon, making this a dynamic cargo device. You can make it even more useful with the addition of a car seat adaptor or rumble seat that attaches to either side of the wagon. 

The handle flips over or back so that you can push or pull the stroller, depending upon your needs at the time. 

As far as cleaning goes, the whole thing can be hosed off. And thanks to its mesh bottom, nothing sticks inside. 

Best Rugged Wagon
Veer Cruiser Stroller Wagon

  • Folds Flat
  • Durable
  • Tons of space

  • Lots of nooks to clean
  • Footwell harder to clean

This might be a bougie stroller wagon, but trust me when I say it's built like a tank. It's solidly built, more like the wagons of the past, with solid sides and rugged wheels. Even the snack tray feels like it was built to take a lot of damage.

It turns or pivots, just like a regular stroller, but it can be pushed or pulled like a wagon. The canopy is UPF-rated, and it, too, has a footwell for your children's comfort. Two seats are built-in, and it has the ability to work like a pram, but you can also click in a car seat with an additional adaptor. 

This double stroller wagon is designed to withstand mud and snow and can glide over pavement, cobblestones, and ballfields with ease. It folds nearly flat and stores in a small area easily. The bottom line: If you have the money, it's absolutely worth the splurge.

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