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The Best Montessori Beds to Give Kids Safety and Freedom

It’s much more than a low bed.

young kid reading in house frame montessori bed
Getty Images

If you have a baby or a toddler, chances are high that you've heard of Montessori beds. They're rapidly rising in popularity, but many of us don't fully understand the allure or reasoning behind buying one. On the surface, they look simple — basically a mattress on the floor — but it turns out that they're a lot more than that.

Montessori beds are beds that make use of the ideas developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, called the Montessori Method. She believed that you should give your toddler freedom when it comes to their movements and environment. And while she didn’t create or patent a bed, Montessori beds are designed with that principle in mind: They provide a safe place for your child to hang out, play, and sleep.

By keeping the bed so low to the ground, you're allowing your child to be a part of their environment in a way that higher, traditional beds just can't accomplish. Some parents choose to use a Montessori-style bed from pretty early on — basically, as soon as a baby begins to crawl. But more parents choose this style around the time when babies are transitioning to a toddler bed.

Montessori beds are now all over the market ... but how do you choose?

The Best Montessori Beds

    What to Consider

    There are three main things you want to consider when buying a Montessori bed.


    Here’s the thing: Not all Montessori beds have bases. Some are super simple structures that simply surround a mattress placed on the floor. This is a bridge too far for a lot of parents. However, there are plenty of Montessori beds on the market that have good, sturdy bases, but they can vary pretty widely. Some bases are more elevated than others, but with a Montessori bed, the goal is to be as close to the ground as possible. Therefore, it’s important to look for a base that’s close enough to the ground that your toddler can toddle right onto it.


    To enclose, or not to enclose? This is a big debate amongst the Montessori set, but you're the only one who can determine which option is right for your kid. Some of the beds have rails or guards around the majority of the bed, while others are wide open. There are benefits and drawbacks to both: With a railed bed, your kid might feel more contained, and they may like that if you're transitioning from a traditional crib. If you want your child to be unencumbered by such things (or if they're prone to launching themselves off the rails like my kids) a rail-free option is your best bet.


    You can get Montessori beds in several sizes, from toddler to queen. A toddler bed is great for wee littles, but it is limiting. On the other end of the spectrum, a queen bed is fun, but that's a lot of real estate in a nursery. If they're not going to keep that bed for several years, it may not make sense. However, these beds are beautiful, so there's no reason to stop using them when your child gets a little older. Generally, twin size is the go-to, but hey ... go for the bigger bed if you want to (or if you like to snuggle in with them on occasion).

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    Best Overall
    Montessori Floor Bed With Rails Twin Full or Queen Floor Bed

    This is a bed that can grow with your child. It's completely modular, it comes in three sizes, and it's made of sustainable hardwood that can be painted or refinished however the owner desires. 

    This bed is sturdy hardwood. It comes with slats, and the entire thing is made in the USA. There are no veneers or glues used in making of this beautiful poplar bed, and if you so desire, you can get the custom pillows and bedding as well. 

    You can have as many or as few of the rails up as you wish. So, even if your child grows out of it as a bed, it makes for beautiful seating in their room.

    More: Best Hybrid Mattresses for Quality Sleep

    Open Hardwood
    Sweedi Natural Poplar Twin House Bed
    South Shore

    This is a completely open-concept, railless, slatless bed made of poplar wood. It's designed to fuel your child's creativity by giving them not only a bed, but a destination. It's twin-sized only, so it's more limited in sizing. However, the price and quality make up for the lack of options. 

    The Only Bed They'll Need
    Malibu Platform Bed Frame

    If you're looking to buy one bed for your kid to use from age 1 to age whenever they leave your house, this is it. Avocado doesn't just make spectacular mattresses and pillows (though they do, and my daughter adores hers) — they also make extremely high-quality bed frames like this one. 

    It sits just a few inches off the ground, and it's made with 100% sustainably-sourced maple or walnut wood. It comes in twin, full, queen, and even king or California king sizes if you'd like a football-field-sized bed for your little one. 

    A Knotty Pine Option
    Twin House Bed Frame
    Purveyor 15

    This is an open-concept, house-style bed (very popular in Montessori-land) with a slatted base. It's twin-size and comes in either a knotty pine or smooth poplar, and it's made in the USA.

    It comes flat-packed, but because of the simplicity of the design, it's a cinch to put together. 

    More Color Options
    Castella Canopy Bed
    Isabelle & Max

    If you've noticed a theme with these beds, it's that they mostly come in varying shades of, well, wood. There's not a ton of variety. However, Isabelle & Max made a great twin Montessori bed that you can get in white or gray as well. Plus, the shape of the canopy is unique and fun, and would look great with some muslin or twinkle lights as your kid gets a little older. 

    Fully Contained
    Toddler Floor Bed With Slats Montessori Bed Floor Bed

    One comment online I read about this bed called it a “very sophisticated baby jail,” which I think is hilarious. The reason it’s designed with 360-degree rails is because it’s meant to be used even with the littlest of tots.

    It's extremely high-quality, made of aspen and alder wood. It has a slatted bottom, and the surface is an eco-friendly wax that gives it a safe, velvety finish. It comes in sizes ranging from crib to king, so there are plenty of options for your little.

    Custom Style
    Montessori Kids Frame Bed

    This bed is quite the steal, but it also has all of the options. It's a mostly contained, slatted Montessori bed. It comes in multiple colors and sizes, and it's simple to assemble. 

    If you're looking for a Montessori bed but don't want to spend a fortune — and if you really want something with a custom look –  this is the bed for you. 

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