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Oat Milk Who? Sproud Pea Protein Milk Is My New, Plant-Based Drink of Choice

All we are saying ... is give pea milk a chance.

sproud milk cartons stacked on top of each other

There are a lot of cool things out there that make us wonder — do they really work? In our I Tried It series, we set out to use them in the real world and have determined that, in fact, they really do.

On Trial: Sproud Pea Protein Milks

Tester: Danielle St. Pierre, lover of tasty, sustainable plant-based milks

The Brief: Needless to say, 2020 has not been a good year for most things on this planet... except for new, plant-based milk options popping up everywhere to disrupt the dairy world. From hyper-trendy oat milk to creative new milks made from bananas, various nuts, and even avocados, non-dairy milks are just one sector of the booming plant-based food market. We are here for it.

Vastly more sustainable than traditional dairy-based milk options, plant-based milks also offer a much more interesting spectrum of nuanced flavors, and some options actually taste shockingly similar to regular milk.

sproud vegan milk in cereal

One particular plant-based milk I'm currently obsessed with is sleek, new Swedish brand Sproud. Bringing taste and sustainability together with their line of plant-based products, Sproud makes non-dairy milk using nutrient-dense yellow split pea protein.

Yes, you read that correctly ... this milk is made from the humble pea.

With a taste that is almost uncannily similar to regular milk, Sproud comes in four flavor varieties: Original, Unsweetened, Chocolate, and Barista. The Barista blend is a slightly thicker, creamier variety formulated by actual barista professionals that can be beautifully frothed or foamed for coffee. Barista also happens to be my personal favorite from the bunch.

Here's a bit more about Sproud's ingredient list: Free of allergens, lactose, nuts, soy, and GMO ingredients, Sproud is high in protein (with an average of 4 grams of protein per serving) and incredibly low in sugar (the unsweetened variety, specifically, has 0 grams of added sugars).

While the Chocolate and Original flavors taste great served cold over cereal or in smoothies, the Barista blend is absolutely delicious and creamy served hot in tea and coffee. I would describe the flavor as mellow and neutral, but tasty, with a very faint earthy flavor thanks to the yellow split peas.

Closing Argument: If you're new to the world of plant-based milks and on the hunt for an option that tastes similar to regular milk without a slap-in-the-face of nutty flavor, try Sproud. This vegan milk drink is high in flavor but has a low carbon footprint. Give peas a chance.

Sproud Pea Protein Milk (6-Pack)
Sproud amazon.com

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