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The New Peeps Gummies Turn the Easter Classic Into a Chewy Marshmallow Treat

They come in marshmallow, strawberry, and blueberry flavors. 🐥

peeps gummies easter candy

Love them or hate them, no Easter celebration is complete without Peeps. The classic treat consists of marshmallow covered in colored sugar, but there’s a new take on it this year with Peeps Gummies, for all your Easter basket needs.

Peeps Gummies

While Peeps has yet to announce the new treat, that hasn’t stopped it from popping up on various websites. There appears to be two different designs for the packages, which include different contents in the bags.

Walmart’s primarily yellow bag says that the treat consists of “assorted chick & bunny shaped gummies” and are marshmallow-flavored. The blue package listed on Redstone Foods details that the yellow pieces taste like marshmallow, the pink ones taste like strawberry, and the blue ones taste like blue raspberry. So just like the regular ones, these Peeps come in the iconic shapes. You just have to decide if you’d prefer marshmallow-only or for fruity flavors to be thrown into the mix.

As we wait for Peeps to confirm where we can get our hands on the new Peeps Gummies, it couldn’t hurt to take a peek in the candy aisle on our next run to the store, right?

Read More:

You Can Get a 5-Foot Inflatable Peeps Decoration for Easter

This Peeps Marshmallow Cake in a Cup Is the Ultimate Easter Treat

Pepsi and Peeps Teamed Up to Make a Marshmallow-Flavored Cola

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